Profil de Samantha Davies

Sur moi
Mes cours

Sur moi

When you sign up for a lesson with me I will send you my Needs Analysis Test to complete. This will tell me everything about your history of learning English, what you feel you are good bad at and what you want to improve and why you are learning English now - do you want to pass an exam, are you applying for a job? Then I can plan a course to address your needs directly and to tailor your cou...
When you sign up for a lesson with me I will send you my Needs Analysis Test to complete. This will tell me everything about your history of learning English, what you feel you are good bad at and what you want to improve and why you are learning English now - do you want to pass an exam, are you applying for a job? Then I can plan a course to address your needs directly and to tailor your course for you After that, you will do a level test (you can do this online or with me) which will tell me (and you) what your level of English is and identify any problem areas or gaps in your linguistic knowledge. I will use this information to help me chose materials to plan your lessons.

Once we start the lessons, we use English throughout. You will have plenty of practice at speaking, listening and at reading and writing too. I can set you tasks to prepare in your own time for the lessons and can advise on activities and materials in addition to lessons to help you improve your English as much and as quickly as possible.

The course is designed expressly for you and your needs and these are reviewed regularly. I teach using some of the most modern and internationally recognised methods to help you make as much progress as possible.
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Mes cours

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Valoraciones de mis estudiantes

3 avis
Mai - 2021
Samantha est ma prof d'anglais depuis un an et demi. Grâce à elle, bien des années après avoir quitté l'école ... j'ai atteint un niveau d'anglais que je n'avais jamais atteint dans le cursus scolaire. Aujourd'hui je peux lire beaucoup de choses, j'arrive de mieux en mieux à comprendre à l'oral et surtout, je n'hésite plus à parler. En plus, Samantha est toujours de bonne humeur, professionnelle et elle a beaucoup d'humour. Les cours avec elle sont un moment de détente. N'hésitez plus, quelque soit votre âge, je vous la recommande à 100%. Valérie
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Nicole Tosello
Avril - 2021
I have been taking English lessons With Samantha for two years. She is very professionnal, kind and fun. Learning with her is a real pleasure.
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Valentina Riffaud
Juillet - 2020
Samantha is an excellent teacher, very professional. It was a real pleasure to learn English with her, she chose the lessons and subjects you need to use in the real life. Her teaching methods is very structural. She is very positive and lovely person. Thanks a lot!
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