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Ville Orléans, Annay (Nièvre), Batilly-en-Puisaye, Bonny-sur-Loire, Dammarie-en-Puisaye, Faverelles, Lavau (Yonne), Neuvy-sur-Loire, Thou (Loiret)
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Elvira en quelques mots
My name is Elvira and I have been helping children and adults to become friends with English language since I was a student.
In teaching, I take into account the individual interests of the student.
I believe that everyone has the potential to learn English, it's just that everyone has their own special keys to this language. We will find them together.

I work with proven methodological material...
My name is Elvira and I have been helping children and adults to become friends with English language since I was a student.
In teaching, I take into account the individual interests of the student.
I believe that everyone has the potential to learn English, it's just that everyone has their own special keys to this language. We will find them together.

I work with proven methodological materials and textbooks (Oxford, Cambridge, Longman, etc.). I attract additional resources (videos, songs). We will select what will be interesting and convenient for you.

In teaching, the main approaches are: the communicative method (we will talk a lot) and the Socratic method (you will not be afraid to make mistakes and will be surprised when you will be able to find answers to questions that seemed difficult yourself).

Learn English with me! Let's focus on what you need. We will involve various resources and use methods that will help you get closer to your language learning goal.
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