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Traducteur diplômé et professeur de langue - apprenez le français autrement grâce à la linguistique !

Description des cours
Traducteur diplômé et professeur expérimenté, je parle l'anglais, l'espagnol et le français. J'aime utiliser les ponts entre les langues pour faire comprendre comment fonctionne le français et intègre toujours de la culture et des anecdotes linguistiques. D'après moi, au-delà de la grammaire, il est primordial de comprendre le passé d'un mot pour s'en souvenir et, en français, la prononciation est l'un de défis majeurs ! Je vous donnerai des astuces linguistiques amusantes pour prononcer au mieux cette langue si particulière !
Gildas en quelques mots
Here you are! Ready to learn French? Oh, no, not the academic style. My method is closer to practice-to-learn than to learn-and-practice. After all, learning a language is about hearing it and getting your brains to train and speak it.

I am a professional translator speaking both Spanish and English, producing content in French (my native language). But I'm not only a linguist: I am also an expe...
Here you are! Ready to learn French? Oh, no, not the academic style. My method is closer to practice-to-learn than to learn-and-practice. After all, learning a language is about hearing it and getting your brains to train and speak it.

I am a professional translator speaking both Spanish and English, producing content in French (my native language). But I'm not only a linguist: I am also an experienced teacher who's worked with kids, teenagers and adults. I like to create activities that suit your needs, and I pay attention to pronunciation and understanding where the language comes from. Why? Because there are often BRIDGES between languages.

An example? Let's say you're an English-speaker. You'll be happy to know former English has many words coming from French. This makes it easy for you to remember the French term! Another example? You're a Spanish learner and you'd like to learn how to say "I will go" in French. The answer is "J'irai". Look again! "IR" at the start of the word means "to go" in Spanish. Easy to remember!

Languages are full of bridges. And my perspective has a linguist allows you to have a less academic take on it, and more of a practical take. Trick your brains into creating links between one language or another.

As I said, prononciation is also primorial. I invented two prononciation system according to your native language. So I won't be using the phonetics alphabet (I mean this=> [:e]) that nobody understands!

Ready, steady? APPRENEZ !
Formation et qualifications
Formation et qualifications
Traduction et localisation
Master 2
Formation et qualifications
Langues étrangères appliquées
Formation et qualifications
Espagnol Anglais Français Portugais
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